Do Personal Development Blogs Make Money?

Personal development blogs are a traditional form of digital advertising. They rely on word-of-mouth to get their content out, and if they’re successful, they’ll be able to use that word-of-mouth to drive traffic to their website as well.

You’d think that this would be a win-win situation, but the reverse is true:

Why Your Personal Development Blog Will Fail:

Your personal development blog will fail if it’s downvoted by a large number of people or ignored by most readers (this can happen for any reason — bad writing, poor work flow is just the most common). You’re not going to make money from forums or other social networks. You don’t have your own newsletter. You don’t have enough content to keep readers engaged and coming back for more!

What You Need To Do To Succeed:

Here are some key things you need to do before you launch your personal development blog: Get a good domain name The best way to come up with an appropriate domain name is by first thinking about what you want the site to accomplish (for instance, the name Finalillustrations might be better than, and then picking the domain that best matches it. If you want your site to sell digital products, then select “”; if you want your site to draw people in with awesome content, then pick “”; if you want your site to sell coaching services, pick “” or something similar; but whatever domain name you choose, it needs to be available on at least one major search engine like Google and Bing (in case it isn’t available on other search engines). Choose a good hosting service A slightly more complicated choice is choosing a good hosting service for your blog – as people usually pay per month and not per blog post/page view (in which case having too many blogs could also start making money). While there are plenty of great blogging services out there (like WordPress vs Joomla vs Blogger vs Drupal etc.), we opted for Bluehost because it offers both hosted WordPress versions as well as dedicated servers (for email use). Bluehost has 5 star reviews on Trustpilot so we chose them based on this fact alone – they seem pretty reliable so far!

Finally, consider how

What are personal development blogs?

The personal development blog landscape is quite crowded at the moment, but there are still plenty of players. Whether you’re looking for a good book to read or an engaging podcast that discusses the latest research, a daily email newsletter with tips, or just a good place to share news and your life story, personal development blogs are likely to be one of your best options.

If you’re just starting out on the road to self-development then they can be very helpful as they give you all sorts of useful information at no cost.

However, if you’ve been doing it for some time then personal development blogs can start to get tiresome and feel like a chore (even though they aren’t). So how do you keep them relevant?

Personal Development Blogs – Why You Should Care About Them

While it would be great if everyone was constantly reading other people’s personal development blogs and commenting on them (with their own thoughts) it is not always possible. For example, if your blogging site has 100 posts and 50 readers then only 50 comments will be visible at a time. The problem is that comments are simply unread posts in an unread blog (the comment thread is probably long gone, so why let me read yours?). So even looking at someone else’s post won’t do much for you unless that person does their own analysis on the topic (which is pretty hard for most).

So what about personally-owning your own blog? If you have already started one before this point then personally publishing it makes great sense because:

• There will always be plenty of people who want something from you that was already written somewhere else; it opens up new sources of income from search engines and social media; and in comparison to buying ads from outside sources there is much less risk involved in having more control over how your content gets seen by people.

On the other hand, if your existing blog isn’t really doing well and needs revision or updating then personally publishing it might not make sense:

• It makes little sense to publish something “new” when the same content has been published elsewhere before without any attempt to create new value; or when there are obvious errors (lack of attention) or irrelevant material (poor writing style) present in old posts; or when some of your readers/clients have asked for something different anyway – but don’t know where to

What do personal development blogs offer?

Personal development is an industry that is not very popular. In fact, it is almost a niche within a niche (personal trainers, personal trainers, personal trainers, etc). That doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth pursuing.

There are many good reasons for doing so:

1) Personal development increases productivity

2) Personal development helps you to improve your self-esteem and confidence in yourself

3) Personal development helps you to learn new skills and transfer those skills to other areas of your life (such as hobbies or professional activities)

4) Personal development helps you to become more creative in your day-to-day life and improve the quality of your work

It’s important to understand that being successful as a personal trainer doesn’t necessarily depend on becoming (or even maintaining) the best trainer. There are plenty of people who produce great results without even making it into the top five trainers in their field; and there are plenty of people who don’t do well at all. The bottom line is that “personal training” isn’t just about improving people’s fitness levels; it’s about improving their lives too. It might also be about improving their performance at work too. And it can help them become happier too – perhaps even more than before because they have more time for themselves instead of working for someone else. This can be a very powerful combination, especially if done right (which I will explain in another blog post).

Anyway… I want to talk first about what some successful personal development blogs offer, as well as some ways you can use them to make money if they appeal to you. If you really want to take up this path, then I think it will pay off well for you – but only if you take the time and effort necessary to make the most out of it… otherwise it will be a waste of time and money! 🙂

If we agree that personal training isn’t always about improving fitness levels: one clear way for personal trainers to do so would be through training sessions like these:

The above are one type of training session we often see offered by some high quality companies like LifeCourse360 or CalorieKing; but also by many smaller online ones such as Powershoof or LifeHackerLife . These kinds of sessions (with hourly rates starting from $15/hour up) cover various aspects like how long clients should discipline themselves with daily workouts

How do personal development blogs make money?

Personal development blogs are a great way to get involved with the world of self-improvement, personal growth and all things related to your personal development. While there is no shortage of online courses that teach you how to improve yourself, there are very few dedicated personal development blogs out there. The most popular ones provide you with valuable information (such as useful tips and tricks), but offer a unique perspective on life and are bound to stir up some controversy.

David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” is a perfect example: while it is not specifically about personal improvement, the book is focused on productivity, which has become one of the most important areas for those who care about their own success. The book has been described as “a manual for getting things done” and it gives lots of information on how to be more productive both in daily life and in your work. In fact, “Getting Things Done” was also ranked #2 in Business Week’s list of top 100 bestseller books for 2011, behind only “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne.

Personal development blogs are becoming more popular all the time; if you look at Google trends, this trend shows an increase throughout the years — over time many people have come up with their own ideas about what constitutes an excellent blog: they should be inspiring and relevant to the audience they aim at; they should provide good value for money; they should not be too opinionated or preachy; they should have links to other sources for further reading or information — anything that could make their audience happy would be awesome!

Who are the popular personal development bloggers?

Personal Development blogs are a very popular form of content distribution. They cover a wide range of material from business, health and fitness, to self-improvement and personal development, as well as other topics. The popularity is likely due to the fact that personal development bloggers can reach an audience who is interested in more niche topics.

The popularity of personal development blogs seems to be at its peak, but there’s been a large amount of change in the way people are using the internet – largely driven by social networks like Facebook and Twitter. With the rise of social sharing sites like Pinterest (which has gained over 100 million users since 2011) it’s hard not to think that people will be looking for new ways of getting their daily dose of inspiration or self-improvement.

But how much money do you make by providing personal development content? This depends on your offer; your value proposition; how you sell your product; and your price point. There is no silver bullet for making money, but there are some factors which can affect profitability:

• What kind of content do you want to provide?

• What kind of people do you want to target?

• How much time (and effort) do you want to invest in marketing?

• Is there any particular audience you want to reach?

Now, here are some examples on what might work:

1) We have created a simple page on our site called “Best Personal Development Blogs” that lists all the personal development blogs which we consider are worth reading about. It has been working very well for us – we have had readers from all over the world find us because they would like to read about more specific topics than what we cover here at MacRumors (for example, one client reads our travel blog every week). If you have something that might work here, please feel free to post a comment below or send me an email with a link or photo! 2) We also have a sidebar on our site called “Personal Development Resources” which lists articles that seem useful for anyone who wants to improve their life — including advice on how they can improve their productivity and goal setting by reading this article or this one 3) In addition, we also use our site as an independent resource where we give credit where credit is due. For example, when people mention Personal Development Blogs in their posts we sometimes link them back here 4) Finally, if you don

What are the benefits of reading personal development blogs?

Personal development blogs are a very popular way for people to share their knowledge about various subjects. They often contain many helpful insights on subjects like mastering the subjects of your career, happiness and self-improvement. They can teach you the art of self-improvement and make you a much better person by providing you with enough knowledge and skills to help you grow in your career or your life in general.

The business of personal development blogs can be seen across a number of industries, but most are very different from each other:

1) Content & Product-Market Fit—Examples include books, articles, videos & webinars focused on solving common problems that people face in their lives (e.g., “How To Be Happy” by Dr. Seuss), or lessons learned by individuals who have experienced those problems (e.g., “How To Be More Successful” by Steve Jobs).

2) Personal Development Bloggers—Examples include authors who post their personal development blogs directly to their blogs or their personal sites, or those who host an RSS feed for other bloggers to subscribe to (or both).

3) Platforms—Examples include platforms that provide feeds for bloggers to publish their content on (such as WordPress), or platforms that provide tools for bloggers (like Google Docs).

4) Advertising—Examples include companies that sell products based on personal development strategies mentioned in the blog articles (e.g., Lifehacker), companies that offer coaching services based on what is mentioned in the blog articles (e.g., CoachingPlus), media outlets that report on personal development events related to what is mentioned in the blog articles, etc. etcetera.

The big difference between these types of marketing channels is the product itself: some focus more on quality content than brand recognition, others focus more on reaching new customers than building a following, etcetera. The quality content is more important because it makes a direct contribution to improving people’s lives — it’s easier to inspire people when they have something concrete they can relate to instead of just having “a good feeling” about something abstract like self-help; it’s also easier for brands to create memorable experiences with direct access points rather than through traditional advertising and sales channels; even if there is less brand recognition, there is still a lot of money at stake here if brands want to build long term relationships with readers/customers/supporters as opposed to simply making an


One of the best things about personal development blogs is that they can help you meet your personal development goals.

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