Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that involves the creation and sharing of valuable, relevant, consistent and original information to attract, acquire, engage and convert your target audience.

 Content marketers create great content that is designed to help businesses grow. Great content will also provide value to readers. If the reader finds the content useful, they will share it with others. This helps the brand spread awareness about its products and services.

In order to get natural backlinks, we will first need to dive deep into the very definition of “natural links”. Natural links are links that are not paid, earned, or otherwise manipulated. These links come from sources like social media, forums, blogs, etc. Natural links are also referred to as organic links.

A natural link is any link that comes from an authoritative website. Authority is defined by

  •  PageRank, 
  • Domain Authority, 
  • Trust Flow,
  •  Citation Flow, and 
  • other metrics.

 These metrics are calculated using various signals, including the 

  • number of incoming links, 
  • anchor text distribution, and 
  • page structure. 

Natural links are also those that come from websites that share similar topics, language, and domain authority.

Backlinks are links pointing to your site. Some websites get thousands of backlinks every month, while others may receive none at all. Backlinks help search engine crawlers understand what your website is about. If you have lots of high-quality backlinks, then Google will see your site as an authority and rank you higher.

A back link profile that consists mostly of links that were earned through organic means is called a natural backlink profile because it is considered to be more authentic. Backlinks that come from paid sources are often viewed negatively by Google’s search engine, so it is best to avoid them if possible.

As you’d expect, there isn’t a single definition of what a natural backlink is, but a variety of opinions could be drawn from the discussions. Whether you prefer the view that “all links you pursue are natural” or tolerate the opposite extreme (“any meaningful link is natural”), you’d probably agree that the most important backlinks are those that  help search engine bots understand what pages on your site are related to each other. If you have many links pointing to your homepage, then Google will assume that all of those pages are related to each other and will rank them accordingly. Backlinks also help visitors navigate around your site. Having lots of backlinks helps keep visitors on your site longer.

Getting natural backlinks should be your first priority when starting a backlinking campaign. You need to spend time finding high-quality sites that will link back to your website. There are many ways to achieve this goal, including using 

  • social media, 
  • forums, 
  • directories, 
  • blogs, and 
  • even paid services. 

Once you have found the right sites, you need to write great content that will attract links. If you follow all the steps correctly, you will see results within days.

Backlinks are links pointing to your site. Some websites get thousands of backlinks every month, while others may receive none at all. Backlinks help search engine crawlers understand what your website is about. If you have lots of high-quality backlinks, then Google will see your site as an authority and rank you higher.

A back link profile that consists mostly of links that were earned through organic means is called a natural backlink profile because it is considered to be more authentic. Backlinks that come from paid sources are often viewed negatively by Google’s search engine, so it is best to avoid them if possible.

  • 1.By becoming a source for reporters and bloggers, your website will become a trusted authority on its topic. You’ll also gain credibility because journalists and bloggers trust sources like yours. 
  • 2. Create an Authority Website.
  • 3. Get Guest Posting Opportunities.
  • 4. Write High Quality Content.
  • 5. Use Social Media To Promote Your Content.
  • 6. Build Relationships With Influencers.
  • 7. Start A Podcast.
  • 8. Find ways to get links from outdated resources. 
  • 9. Use proven formats like guides, ebooks, and videos.
  •  10. Publish ultimate guides. 
  • 11. Use branded strategies and techniques.
  •  12.Send feeler emails. 
  • 13. Offer free value to your audience. 
  • 14. Promote your offer through social media channels.
  • 15. Ask influencers to share your content.  
  • 16. Join groups.
  • 17. Comment on blogs.
  •  18. Start conversations. 
  • 19. Share other people’s content. 
  • 20. Make friends. 
  • 21. Become an authority.
  • 22..Get featured in industry publications.
  • 23.Be active on forums.

Become A Source For Reporters And Bloggers

If you want to get ranked on the first page of search results, you need to build links from authoritative websites. Luckily, this isn’ t as hard as it sounds! All you need to do is use a free service called HARO.

HARO is an app that allows you to connect with bloggers and journalists looking for quality backlinks. You can search through HARO for relevant blogs and journalists, and then send them a message asking if they would be interested in writing about your website. 

Once you’ve found someone that wants to write about your site, you can ask them to link back to your website. HARO also offers a service called “HARO Pro” that allows you to pay for higher profile writers to post links to your website.

  • To get started, you need to create an account on each platform. Then, you should select your preferred plan. You can also opt for a free trial if you want to try out the service before committing. 
  • Once you’ve done all of that, you can start creating your backlinks.
  • Then keep an eye out for opportunities to help other journalists. 
  • Finally, submit a very brief and valuable pitch. An example of a pitch might be: “I noticed you asked about the difference between graphic design and web design. Here’s my answer.”

Eric Ward gave an excellent example in his top draw post about how he built links through outreach. He started by writing a post on a topic he knew would interest someone in the industry. 

After publishing the post, he reached out to an industry expert whose interest in the topic could easily be discovered. What followed was a link back to his site, as well as some kind of word-of- mouth marketing for the content itself, since the expert had shared it with others.

Ward did not encourage links, he just suggested that people should put them wherever they wanted. He also said that he didn’t mind getting paid for links, and that he thought it was a good idea to ask for them.

 However, what he meant was that he didn’t mind putting them anywhere, even if it wasn’t his site. For example, if someone asked him for a link, he’d probably give it to them. And if someone else gave him a link, he’d likely add it to his blog.

 link schemes have always been a grey area in the world of search engine optimization. And while Google has advanced algorithms that monitor paid links, it doesn’t mean you should avoid them entirely. If a backlink has real value, it can be viewed as natural.

This means that reaching out to people who may be interested in your content is an important step in getting them to share it. However, you shouldn’t just create content and hope that people will notice and link to it naturally. 

Instead, you should focus on making sure that people see your content first. You can do this by using social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.

Make Your Content Targeted And Purposeful

If you’re writing about a topic that already has a lot of information available online, then you’ll probably need to add something new to your article to make it stand out. You could try adding an infographic, a video, or even a picture. If you’ve got a unique angle on a subject, then you should definitely consider sharing it!

Content marketing is not just about creating content. It is also about distributing that content through multiple channels. Content marketing is about creating content that can be distributed across multiple platforms. If you create great content, then there will be an increase in traffic and engagement. You can distribute content via social media, blogs, podcasts, videos, infographics, etc.

You need to create high-quality content that will help your audience. The best way to get links is to write about topics that aren’t already covered by other sites. Include original research, conduct webinar interviews, and more. Here’s what you should do to get natural backlinks.

Create Infographics

Infographics help you get more shares on social media. They’re great for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+. Add an infographic to the end of your blog posts to encourage readers to click through and read the rest of your article.

Don‘t limit yourself to creating infographics just for your own content. You can also create them for other people’s blogs. However, it does involve an element of email outreach because after you create an infographic for someone else’s blog post you need to contact all websites that link to it. Share the graphic resource with them and highlight its value for their readers.

Publish “Skyscraper” Content

I‘ve used “Skyscraper” content to create links from authority websites like HubSpot. And I even got a link from the GoDaddy Blog! Yep, you’ve likely noticed that they’ve all linked to the same piece of “Skyscraper” content: SEO Tools: A Complete List. Well, my list of “SEO Tools” is a piece of ‘Skyscraper’ content.

You need to find a topic that has already done well in your niche. Then, create an article around that topic. You should write about the topic in depth, including all its benefits and drawbacks. Next, add a few images, videos, and other media assets to help drive traffic to your site. Finally, optimize the post using keywords and link building strategies.

The easiest thing to do? Just type “(your topic)” into Google. You will see the top pages ranked for that term. Backlinks are an important ranking factor, so if a page ranks high, there must be a lot of links pointing to it.

Steps To Create Skyscraper Content

  • Step 1: Create a piece of content that is 5-10 times better than what you just discovered. For example, I found a list of SEO tools that was very short. That’s why I decided to write an article that was 10 times longer than any other list of SEO tools. Unlike most other articles about SEO tools, my article contained every tool on the internet (170+ tools).
  • I had a lot of fun making this article. I spent about 3 months researching and writing this piece. I wrote an outline beforehand, then started writing. I also did a ton of research before publishing. My SEO tools list has been viewed over 20,000 times. That’s pretty cool! And it has links from over 1,000 different domains. 
  • Step 2 : promote your Skyscraper content. This is key to getting traffic. Yes, a piece like this will put you above your competitors.
  • But to maximize your reach, you need to promote your content. Now: There are millions of ways to promote your content, so let me show you one simple strategy that works really well when promoting Skyscraper content: Use influencers to promote your content. 

For example, I sent an email to every tool that I mentioned in my post. Here’ s the exact script that I sent:I didn’t get any likes or shares on the original post, but I did get a lot of comments. Most of them were positive, but there were also a few negative ones. Some people told me that I should stop sharing other people’s content. Others said that I shouldn’t publish anything unless I had written it myself. Still others said that I should just stick to writing about my own stuff.

1. Find the top 10 ranking sites in your niche and check out what they have to offer. After reading through their pages,  decide which ones were worth linking to.

 2. Next you need to find other sites that link to them. You can start with the sites mentioned above.

 3. Once you find those sites, check out their backlinks. Look for sites that link to them and ask yourself if you think they will be interested in linking to you. 

4. If you think they will be, then contact them and ask them to link to you. 

5. If they agree, then send them an email asking them to link to you and wait for their response. 

6. If they don’t respond, move on to the next site. 

7. Repeat until you get all the links you need.

 8. Once you have all the links, go back to Step 1 and repeat the process. 

9. When you finish, you should have a list of 30+ quality sites that are willing to link to you.

You want to focus on sites with high DA. Then, reach out to those sites and ask if they will change their link to point to yours. If they say yes, then great! But if they don’t, then you need to move on.

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