I. Private Cloud

It is a kind of cloud computing that gives similar benefits to the public cloud-like self-service and scalability via proprietary architecture. It is also known as “corporate cloud” or “internal cloud”.

Working of Private Cloud

It is a single-tenant environment which means that the resources that the organization uses never get shared with the other users. The management and hosting of these resources can be done in many ways. 

The private cloud is established on:

  • The infrastructure and resources that are already present in the new or on-premises data centre of the organization and the infrastructure that is separately given by the third-party organization.
  •  There are some cases in which the single-tenant environment is set up only using virtual software. In any way, the resources of the private cloud and cloud itself are built for a single tenant or user.

General Models of Cloud deployment

Cloud deployment of an organization consists of three general models which are:

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud 
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • There is a multi-cloud which is the combination of all three clouds. 

The common and basic elements of the infrastructure of a cloud are shared by the three models. For instance, an operating system is required by the cloud to function properly. 

Whereas the different types of software involving the container software and virtualization software with the operating system define how the cloud will function. These are the things that differentiate the three models. 

Private Cloud Platform

  • These are designed and maintained specifically to meet the specific needs or requirements of a single enterprise. These are a better option for businesses with changing needs of computing which are a bit difficult to control.
  •  Private clouds are usually preferred by many companies over the public cloud. The reason for this is that they offer better privacy, security, management, compliance and governance concerns.
  •  A private cloud can be based on the existing infrastructure or a new one by the companies that use it. However,  in both situations, the private cloud is managed and owned by the organization.
  •  Company of private cloud manage internally or by taking the help or service of third parties. Similar to the other cloud computing platforms, the private cloud is also based on the internet.
  •  It enables an organization to share the data, information, computing devices and other resources in demand. For meeting the needs of an organization, the computing resources are shared accordingly.

1. Multi-Tenancy

  • The Private Cloud platform has the ability to support multiple users.
  •  It includes departments, divisions, individuals and offices also. It is one of its key features. 
  • There is storage sharing for capitalizing on the economies of scale. 
  • The users can use this cloud without knowing or being influenced by the other users’ activities.

2. Billing and reporting

  • In using the private cloud, a client is charged for the consumption.
  •  For using the premium services, the private cloud users might have to pay more.

3. Powerful API

  • There is an application featured by a private cloud platform i.e., Application Programming Interface (API). 
  • Through this portal, resources can be requested or configured on demand.

4. Delivery as a service

The resources are delivered as service with the abstraction and service definitions from the physical hardware underlying.

5. Elasticity

  • Depending upon the needs of a client, the ability to scale up or down is known as elasticity.
  •  This feature helps the users of businesses to access the resources by using the delivery as a service model with little or no administrator’s or IT team’s intervention. 

6. Benefits

  • Increase in security
  • Cloud computing services on demand
  • Allocation of resources in an efficient way

Public Cloud VS Private Cloud

Public cloudPrivate cloud
The public cloud provides services to several organizations which generally meets their needs.The private cloud is built specifically for the needs and goals of individual organizations. 

A cloud where the third-party providers (that are independent) like Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS) maintain and own the resources that can be accessed by the customers over the internet. Whereas in the public cloud, these resources are shared, a model called multi-tenant environment. 

When the public clouds are being inadequate and inappropriate according to the requirements of a business, private clouds are used. For instance, if the public cloud is unable to meet the level of services availability or uptime that the organization requires, then a private cloud would be deployed.

 In another case, the use of the public cloud in the hosting of a mission might cause the workload to overreach the risk tolerance of an organization. There are sometimes regulatory and security concerns associated with the usage of a multi-tenant environment. 

Therefore, by keeping in view the above cases, an enterprise might choose an investment in the private cloud rather than the public cloud. It is because the benefits of cloud computing are provided by the private cloud as it maintains the ownership and overall control of the environment.

Public cloud also have some benefits

  • It enables you to save much of the amount by the usage of computing as a Utility i.e., the customers will only pay for those services which they use. 
  • It can be an easier and much simpler model to implement as a portion of the responsibilities of infrastructure is handled by the provider. 

Private Cloud vs Hybrid Cloud

In a hybrid cloud, the infrastructure of the private cloud is connected with the public cloud so that the workload can be orchestrated by the organization across the two environments. To form a single and uniform cloud, by using this model, the public cloud becomes an extension of the private one. 

For the deployment of a hybrid cloud, a high compatibility level between the services used (by both public and private clouds) and the underlying software is required. This model enables the businesses to become more flexible than the other two i.e., public and private clouds by allowing the movement of workloads between the public and private clouds if the costs and computing need to change. 

The hybrid cloud is much suitable for businesses with a huge workload and those which deal with the processing of a huge amount of data. 

In every scenario, the business can:

  • Share/ move the workloads between the private and public clouds for achieving efficiency.
  • Dedication of the workloads that are host sensitive, to the private cloud.
  • Move the computing tasks that are less specific and more demanding to the public cloud.

Private Cloud’s advantages

Following are the advantages of using a private cloud

  1. There is no need for the users to share the resources.
  2. The proprietary nature of the private cloud computing model makes it the most suitable for businesses with unpredictable and dynamic needs of computing. 
  3. When a private cloud is properly implemented by an organization, similar benefits can be drawn out of it as that of the public cloud. For instance, the same scalability, changing and optimization of computing resources on-demand, user-self service and configuring the virtual machines (VMs) and their ability to provide.
  4. For tracking the computing usages and ensuring that the businesses are paying only for those resources or services that they use, chargeback tools can be implemented by the organization.

In addition to these advantages, the private cloud provides some other offers:

  • The security of an isolated network is increased
  • Capability for customization is increased
  • Increase/betterment in the performance as the resources are dedicated to a single organization solely.

 Disadvantages of a Private Cloud

Other than many advantages, the private cloud has some disadvantages as well. 

  • There might be some complexities brought to the enterprise by the technologies of the private cloud-like user self-service and automation.
  • Some technologies require help from IT experts therefore the organization should manage it by increasing or adjusting the IT staff for the implementation of the Private Cloud in a successful way.
  • They are also quite expensive if a business has its private cloud because it would be bearing all the maintenance, deployment and support costs.

Types of Private Cloud

There are different types of Private Clouds depending upon the enterprises’ needs

  1. Virtual private cloud
  • Within a public cloud, there is a walled-off environment which is known as a virtual private cloud.
  •  It enables an organization to easily move its workloads in isolation from the other public cloud users. 
  • Despite that the server is being shared, the computing resources of users are kept private from others i.e by virtual logic. 
  • This can also be used by organizations for enabling the deployment of a hybrid cloud. 
  1. Hosted Private Cloud
  • Here the servers are not shared, in a hosted private cloud environment, with the organizations.
  •  Maintaining the hardware, updating software and configuring the updates are done by the service provider. But a single organization occupies the server.
  1. Managed Private Cloud
  • It is simply a hosted environment where the management is done by the provider in each aspect of the cloud.
  •  It is done for the organization. 
  • Some other additional services are also provided like storage and identity management.
  •  It is a good option for those organizations which lack staff that can manage the environment of a private cloud alone.

Types categorized by the infrastructure of a private cloud

  1. Software Only
  • It just provides the software which is crucial for running the private cloud environment which runs on preexisting hardware of an organization. 
  • A highly virtualized environment supports the software only option usually. 
  1. Software and Hardware
  • The private clouds are sold as an all in one bundle of software and hardware by some of the vendors.
  •  As it is a simple platform existing on the premises of users and might be a provider-managed environment.
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