Networking can be time consuming and difficult. Making phone calls, sending emails, and attending conferences can all be time consuming. But what often gets overlooked is the follow-up email. 

After your initial contact, there are a few key steps to following up with someone you’ve met. These steps will help you stay organized and get the right information across to the right people at the right time.

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Why Are Follow Upfollowup Emails Important?

Email is a great tool for keeping your network engaged and connected. It allows you to send messages to multiple recipients at once, and even schedule them to go out automatically. 

You can also attach files, images, videos, and other media to your message. Email is also a great way to keep track of conversations and stay organized. 

Your contacts will appreciate knowing when you’re available to chat, and you’ll get a notification if they reply to your message.

They Let You Show Appreciation 

Almost everyone likes to hear a sincere “thank you” (77% of us do, anyway). When working to build a new relationship or strengthen an existing one, offering gratitude for your meeting partner’s attention and time is almost always a great move.

 To take the impact of a thank-you note up a notch, incorporate the following elements:

1) Include a personal touch. A simple handwritten note will go a long way toward making your message memorable.

2) Be specific about what you’re thanking them for. 

If you’re grateful for their help, say so! If you appreciate their company, mention that. And if you’re thankful for their advice, let them know.

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They Keep The Conversation Going 

Thanking someone for an introduction is a great way to show them you care about them and what they think.

You can also let them know you appreciate their time and effort. If you’ve had a positive experience with them, you might even ask if there’s anything else you could help them with.

Follow-ups are important because they provide an opportunity to continue the conversation. If you’ve met someone at a networking event, you might send them an email asking about what they did at the event. 

You could also reach out via social media. These types of emails can help you stay top of mind with potential contacts.

FollowUp Email : Subject Lines

Your subject line is the first impression you give recipients. It should be short, sweet, and compelling. 

If you’re sending an email marketing campaign, you’ll likely need to create several different variations of your subject line depending on what stage of the sales funnel you’re targeting. 

For example, if you’re trying to get someone to sign up for your newsletter, you might start with something like “Hey! Sign Up for our Newsletter” while if you’re trying to close a deal, you may try starting with “Here’s why I think you should buy my product.”

Follow Up Email After Meeting Templates That Work

A follow up email is an easy way to keep in touch with someone you just met. You can also use it to ask about something you discussed during the conversation. 

Follow up emails are usually sent within 24 hours of the initial contact. A follow up email should contain information about what happened at the meeting, what you talked about, and any other relevant details.

Follow up emails are often overlooked when sending out a large volume of messages. However, if done correctly, they can help boost your sales, increase customer satisfaction, and strengthen relationships. 

Here are some key tips to remember when writing a follow up email.

1.When crafting your follow-up email, keep in mind that there are certain elements that will always remain relevant. You need to include the following information:

  • A clear call to action
  • A strong subject line

2. Write down what you want to say. If you’re not sure about something, write it down anyway. You might discover later that you need to clarify or change something.

3. Be specific. Don’t just tell them that you want to get in touch. Tell them exactly when, where, and why.

4. Make it short and sweet. Keep your message under 200 words. Longer messages tend to get ignored.

Be Genuine And Specific 

It‘s tempting to send out the same generic email to everyone you meet. But it doesn‘t work like that. You need to personalise your message and show a real interest in each individual. 

Mention what you have in common, what you enjoyed about a meeting and why you think they might enjoy it too. Show that you care about them and their interests.

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Keep It Short

Your readers will appreciate the fact that you took the time to write them an email instead of sending them a long introduction. You should always keep your emails short and concise. 

If you need to add any information, consider adding it at the end of the email. Remember that your readers might not have enough time to read through your entire email.

FollowUp Email Must Haves

  • Your email shouldn’t be boring. You need to capture their interest and keep them engaged. Your subject line needs to grab their attention and tell them what they will be getting inside. 
  • Make sure you have a clear call to action at the end of the email. Remember, if you haven’t done anything for them, there’s nothing to act upon.
  • When writing emails, try to keep them short and sweet. If you’re sending something longer, consider breaking it down into multiple messages. 
  • Remember to mention what you did together, what you talked about, and why it’s important to both of you. 
  • Also, if you’ve met someone before, mention that fact. You never know when you might need to refer back to that information later.
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