Freelance writers should start by considering what kind of topic  they want to write about. Then, they should think about how they can market themselves as a freelance writer. Finally, they need to create a portfolio of their previous work.

To help you get started we’ve put together a guide to some of the most common types of freelancing jobs – complete with tips on how you can get them!

Article Feature Writing

Freelance writers are often paid per word or by the hour. Some freelance writers may be paid more than others depending on how much experience they have. Writers who specialize in certain topics may get higher pay than those who aren’t as specialized.

Feature writing is a great way to earn extra cash. However, it doesn’t pay much. You’ll need to do more than write features to get rich. There are many different ways to make extra money besides writing articles.

Article or feature writing work won’t magically come to you. You need to be persistent and persevere until you get paid. There are many ways to make money as an online writer. But if you want to write for free, then there are plenty of places where you can do this.

Magazines Or Newspapers

Freelance writers contribute articles to print publications like newspapers or magazines. Print journalism is still alive and well. There is still a need for freelance writers who write about topics like politics, business, sports, entertainment, health, education, etc.

A freelance writer works for magazines and newspapers by writing articles. He/she does this because he/she wants to earn money. He/she doesn’t want to be tied down to any particular job.

Magazines are usually created with an audience in mind. You’re likely to see them at your local newsagent or supermarket. They are often published by industry professionals, such as engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc.

Custom publications are magazines produced by businesses for clients. These magazines often rely on articles written by freelancers. Freelance writers must know about the subject matter and be well versed in it.

Newspapers are more likely to use freelancers than magazines. Entertainment and lifestyle lifts are usually written by freelancers.


Writing for websites is a great way to make money as a freelancer. Magazines, journals and news outlets publish content online too, and there are even plenty of online magazine-style websites. Many freelance writers choose to write for them instead of print publications.

How Do I Get This Type Of Writing Job?

There are generally two ways you could write articles for magazines, papers or websites: by commission or by pitching directly to the editor. Most freelancers need to pitch to find writing jobs. Don’t expect this type of work to come to you – you need to get out and actively seek it!

Copy Or Content Writing

Content marketing is king today. Freelance writers need to be aware of the current trends in the industry. This means they should know what kind of content works well for different types of businesses. 

They also need to understand how to effectively use social media platforms to get more exposure for their work.Freelance writers who write for clients must be careful about what they say. 

Copywriters should always be careful about what they write because if they make mistakes, they could lose money. People who write for clients also need to think carefully before they speak. They should never talk badly about their clients.

Web Content Writer

Writing for the web has its unique challenges and opportunities. Microcopy, social media, blogs, and long copy are all types of writing that are used online. Websites require different types of content than other forms of communication.

Web copy should be focused on driving traffic to a website or selling a product. Your client’s ultimate goal is to inspire readers to take action. Even though you’re writing about the importance of grooming cats, your true focus is on inspiring people to buy products.

Regardless of the assignment, a great freelance web content writer meets deadlines, uses web copy best practice, skillfully weaves keywords into engaging prose and writes content that drives site traffic. A great web content writer does all that while producing content that is compelling, relevant and informative.

Technical Writer

A technical writer needs to be an expert in the field he or she writes about. He or she should know how to use the equipment described in the manual. This person should also be able to explain complicated concepts in simple language.

Newspaper Or Periodical Writer

Freelance writers are usually hired by newspapers and magazines to write about current events. Writers are often paid per word. However, some editors prefer to hire freelancers who have experience in certain areas. For example, if you’re a sports writer, you may be better off working for a magazine than a newspaper because your expertise lies in sports.

Instructional Or Curriculum Writer

Instructional writers compose educational content, including online lessons and tutorials, standardised test questions, K- 12 curriculum or tutoring materials and textbooks, and full online courses, such a real estate or insurance licensing exams. 

Some companies hire instructional designers to manage both course development and writing. Others rely upon experts in the field of study to write the copy, which is transferred into the course platform when it’s written, and then published.

Your Ultimate Guide To Types of Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is an excellent career choice for people who want to write professionally and earn money doing something they love. There are many ways to get started as a freelance writer. You can start by writing articles or blogs for free. Then you can move up to paid content such as web copy, ebooks, and other products. Finally, you can become a ghostwriter for hire.

Choosing a niche is very important because it helps you focus your efforts. But before you choose a niche, you should figure out what kind of writing you want to be doing. Choose a niche that fits your skills and personality.

When email writers should be careful about choosing the right type of writing. Some people might choose a hat that matches their personality while others choose a hat to protect them from the weather. Writers who want to make money should consider the type of writing they’ll be doing. 

Some people choose writing that is familiar to them while others choose to write something new. Other times, writers choose to write because they need to earn money now.

Types of Freelance Writer—Which One Are You?

Never in history has there been such an opportunity for writers. The internet has created a platform for everyone to share their creativity with the world. Writers can now write about anything they want, and the possibilities are endless.

Writing is an art form that requires talent, skill, and dedication. Writers can earn money by selling their work to publishers or online booksellers. Freelance writers can find jobs writing engaging copy as a part of the rapidly growing online workforce.

Freelance writers should be comfortable with grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other mechanics. But they should also know how to write about any subject.

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