Contently Portfolio Maker – Should You Use It? 

When you first start freelance writing, you need to create an online portfolio. You can use the Contently portfolio maker to do this. This tool lets you create a beautiful website with no coding or programming skills required.

Portfolios should be as simple and minimalistic as possible. Clients should be able to quickly navigate through your work. You should also include a section for freelancing opportunities.

In this article, I’m going to share my experience using Contently. I’ll explain why its portfolio maker works so well for beginners. But first, let’s take a closer look at what Contently is.

What Is Contently?

Contently is a platform dedicated to creating content for many top brands. It’s extremely popular and creates content for numerous companies such as Dell, Marriott, and MSFT. 

To pair the best talents with its corporate clients, they created a freelance marketplace, where freelancers can create an online portfolio showcasing their work.

You can create a portfolio using Contently. It’s easy to use and very user friendly. You can add as many projects as you want. If you’re a good fit for a client, we’ll reach out about freelance opportunities.

Our platform looks through freelancers’ portfolios and pushes forward relevant Candidates. So, it’s essential that your portfolio represents exactly what you’d want a branded publication to kno…

I finished my portfolio! Now What? Continue updating it as I complete new work and be Sure to Tag the Appropriate Topics and Skills for your Projects. If you’re a Good Match for Our Clients, We’ll Reach Out to You Directly with Further Information About Next Steps. We Work with Clients Across a Variety of Industries with a Range of Content Needs, So We’re Always Making Sure Their Teams Are Equipped With the Best Possible Talent. With That Said, We Can’t Supply Opportunities to All of Our Users, And Our Platform Works On A System of Supply and Demand. You’ll Hear From Us Whenever Opportunities Best Match the Experience and Expertise You’ve Presented on Your Portfolio.

We service our client’s needs by searching for talent on a project by project basis. When there is an appropriate job that fits your background and skill set, we will be in contact. If you experience any problems while creating your portfolio, please contact us.

Related:Start Freelance Business

Setting Upu p Youry our Portfoliop ortfolio | Contently Help Center

A nice introduction to my portfolio. I’m excited about this opportunity. I’ll take the time to fill out the entire section.

We’re looking for people who are passionate about what they do. You’ll work closely with our creative teams and product managers to help us create amazing content across our various channels.

You should always start by filling out your entire profile. This includes adding your cover photo, your bio, your skills, and any other information that you think might be relevant. 

Once you’ve finished this step, you’ll want to go back and edit anything that needs editing.

We want you to get approved and assigned work with our client as much as you do. There are several things you can use to increase your chances of being noticed by potential employers. Here is a guide to help set up your portfolio the correct way.

You should use a portfolio website to showcase your work. A portfolio site allows you to show off your skills and experience. Use this guide to get started.

Filling in the top portion of your portfolio

By clicking “edit portfolio” you’ll be able to upload a photo, add your personal info, include a personal website url and other social networks links, and share your name, email, phone number and other details.


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Contently Portfolio Maker – Should You Use It? Sophical Content

When you first start freelance writing, you need to create an online portfolio. You can use the Contently portfolio maker to do this. This tool lets you create a beautiful website with no coding or programming skills required.

In this article, I’m going to share my experience using Contently. I’ll explain why its portfolio maker works so well for beginners. But first, let’s take a closer look at what Contently is.

What Is Contently?

Contentment is a platform dedicated to creating content for many top brands. It’s extremely popular and creates content for numerous companies such as Dell, Marriott, and MSFT. To pair the best talents with its corporate clients, Contentment created a freelance market place, where freelancers can create an online portfolio showcasing their work.

Related:Start Freelance Business

Contently Portfolio Maker

Quickly create a portfolio on Contemplate. Easy to use, but requires you to provide basic information about yourself. Add a profile picture, a brief description, and a link to your personal site.

When a client posts a piece of my writing, I simply copy the link, paste it into the Portfolio Maker, and the website automatically pulls up the article page, a short description, and any images that are associated with it. Then I only need to specify the topic of the article and what skills I used to write it. That’ll do!

You now have a single page portfolio, where you can show off your work to potential new clients.


  • It’s completely free! There’s no limit on the number of piecesnumber pieces of work you can showcase. 
  • It’s versatile and can showcase all types of work, including photographs, illustrationsphotographs illustrations, writing, and video. 
  • Very easy to share work by simply sending a URL – this is such a convenient feature I include the link in the email signature which looks professional & convenient when pitching or networking.”

Portfolios should be as simple and minimalistic as possible. Clients should be able to quickly navigate through your work. You should also include a section for freelancing opportunities.

I’m a BB professional writer

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And, Twins Mommy helps you learn how to grow your blog. By using simple techniques, over time, you’ll be able to increase website traffic by over 10%. I’ve seen it happen many times before. So, I thought, I’d share my experience with you.

What’s It Like Writing for Contently? Writers Spill Their Secrets

Writers are always looking for reliable rates to write for great clients. Online content agencies have emerged that claim they’ll make that easier for us! Contently is one such online content agency, where it’s free to create a profile. The theory is that Contently team will search your profile to find you for their clients, which includes some impressive brands that we’d love to have in our sample: GE, HSBC, & American Express.

Writing for Contently is a great opportunity for freelancers because you get paid to write about topics you’re interested in. You’ll be assigned projects by editors based on your expertise. There’s always something new to learn, and you’ll work with other talented people in the industry.

The pros

Good — and fast — pay! Freelance science writer, Holly Martin, has written for both GE (General Electric) and the American Society for mechanical engineers through Contently. She writes about the benefits of freelance writing: pay that averages about 1 cent per word for her niche, and you can cash out immediately after submitting your article. Nicole Dieker, formerly an Ask A Freelancer columnist for Contently, says she was getting 35 cents per word or more. Both writers love that they can submit articles immediately and get paid right away.

Writers should be paid fairly for their work. A writer should be paid for the time spent writing an article, plus any additional research or editing needed. Writers shouldn’t be forced to compete with each other to get work.

A great portfolio of clients. Contently boasts a strong client list of brands who use it to order content. Martin has been happy to add GE and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) to her list of science & engineering clients. Alyssha Haak has written for American Express through Contently, and Alyssha Tweddale has written articles for American Express, Northwestern Mutual, and HouseLogic.

These companies pay Contently for the use of their software platform which facilitates writer connections and manage the content writer relationships.

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The cons

A long time to get found. Martin reported that she had her portfolio for a year before the initial contact from an editor at Contenty. That one (and subsequent contacts) never went anywhere, and it took her two years to get paid work through them. Hazard says the talent search team is seeking out professional journalists with strong credentials. They want to see top tier publications.

Writers need to write about what they know, but they also need to know how to market themselves. Writers should focus on writing quality content, and then use social media marketing to promote their work.

Dieker got her gig through recommendations, so her advice is build a strong network. Recommendations go a long way into this business. Be aware that the editing process can be painfull.

Contently is a great place to get started as an article writer. You should be aware of client volatility. Also, you may want to consider another agency if you’re looking for steady work.

The platform is clunky and difficult to use. Communication between writers and editors is done via email. Writers communicate with editors by sending emails.

Haak says she loves working at Contently because of the people there. She also gets to meet new people and learn about different industries.

Should you work through Contently?

Based on my interviews with writers, it seems like a decent gig. Writers get paid well, and there are plenty of opportunities to pitch content. But if you hate marketing, this might not be the job for you.

You should never put up your entire portfolio because you may not get any offers. You need to show them what you can do and how much money you can make.

To sum up…

Writers should market themselves far and wide. They should develop a strong portfolio of clips. Clients should see that they have a variety of different types of content. Clients should be able to find freelancers easily.

I’ve been writing for Contently since 2012. I’m a freelance education, healthcare and technology writer who lives in Portland, Oregon. My latest book, 10 Takes, was released by Gladeye Press in March 2015.

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