Fiverr Picture Size

Gig images should be 1024×768 pixels.

Fiverr says that your gig image must be less than 5 MB. But actually, I recommend that your image size be lower than 1 MB or 2 MB because it decreases the loading speed of the image.

Success Begins With A Great Gig Image

Businesses need to use attractive images to get attention. Images should be appealing to customers but also professional looking. 

A good image can help businesses grow and increase profits.

Tips To Get Maximum Order On Your Gigs

  • Use fewer words . Make sure that your fiverr gig does not contain too many words in an image. Make sure that your text is simple and precise. 
  • Always try to use the right fonts, which have high visibility. Try to describe your service in the fewest words. Don’t use unprofessional colors on your gigs.
  • Don’t use low quality images. You should always make sure that your images are high resolution. This will help your gigs get more views and ratings.
  • Don’t use irrelevant images. You’ll get banned by Fiverr.
  • Do not use badges in gig images. It does not matter if you are a high rated seller or a verified pro, Fiverr does NOT allow you to show any kind of badge or certificate in your gig images. 
  • Avoid all types of badges when creating a Fiverr gig image. It is strictly prohibited by the TOCs of fiverr.
  • You can get high resolution images from any stock photo website, such as Shutterstock or iStockPhoto. There are many other websites that offer free images but these two are the most popular ones.


Gig thumbnails and gallery images play an important role when a buyer chooses you for his/her project requirements. 

Only upload images that relate to my gig. Random images may confuse buyers and ruin your reputation in the community. Please do not mention any contact information in your images. All communication should be done within Fiverr.

Show Your Face

Buyers should be confident when looking at your profile and gig images. You should use a high quality image of yourself. Your gig image should be 1280×769 pixels and have a relevant filename.

Objectionable content such as adult material, hate speech, disturbing images, discrimination, fake news, etc. is strictly forbidden according to the Fiverr community standards. 

How To Create An Ideal Thumbnail

A perfect gig image should be between 1280×769 pixels, with a minimum of 712×430 and a maximum of 4000×2416 pixels at 72dpi.

Creating the perfect thumbnail image requires following certain guidelines. You can create an image online or offline according to your preferences and expertise.

I use Adobe Photoshop for my Fiverr gigs. I am very familiar with this software. I know how to edit images and make them look professional. I also know how to add text and other elements to an image.


Canva is a great platform for beginners who want to create beautiful graphics without having to pay thousands of dollars. 

There are over 250,000 templates available, and you can share your creations online. You can also use Canva to make videos, edit photos, and even draw.

Canva is an online tool for creating graphics. It has many templates and styles to choose from. It’s very user friendly and easy to navigate. You can use the free plan or pay for the premium plan.

Using Canva To Create Fiverr Images : Step By Step Instructions

  • Choose the custom dimensions as per your requirement. You can also use any other dimension you want. 
  • Then type 550*370 and then press “Create a design.
  • You will get a blank page of your custom size and there are many options for text formatting, including font styles, fonts, sizes, alignment, indentation, spacing, borders, bullets, numbering, etc. 
  • You can also change the background color, add images, insert videos, links, tables, charts, graphs, etc.

A scratch click on a blank page will enable you to choose different color options where you can choose the page color from white or any other color you want. 

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