Can tabs are used as currency in this game. You can use them to buy things or trade them for other items. There are two types of can tabs: regular and premium. Regular can tabs cost $1 each, while premium can tabs cost $2 each.

Aluminum cans are used by many people around the world. You can use them to store things or even cook food. But if you throw them away, you’ll get less money than if you kept them. So why do people throw them away? Because they’re made out of aluminum, and aluminum is very expensive.You can sell your tabs by going to an online auction site such as eBay or Craigslist. Make sure you get the highest price possible.

Local Recycling Centers

Recycling centers won’t pay as much as other stores for tabs, but they’ll give you some money for minimum weight. Tabs weigh 1 pound or more.

Foolproof Ways To Sell Soda Pop Can Tabs For Money Side Hustling Money

You can make money by selling soda pop cans. You can also collect them if you want to.

This article walks you through the process of making money by selling soda pop can tabs. You’ll learn about the different types of soda pop cans, how to sell them, and how much money you can expect to make.


eBay is the biggest platform for selling soda pop cans. People buy them for 10 cents per tab, and then resell them for much more. Cans come in different colors, but they’re mostly silver.You make about $9.50 per week after taxes.


Amazon is another place to sell aluminium tabs, but the market is not as robust as eBay. Prices are actually a little lower than eBay. You are making more money selling on Amazon as compared to eBay.

Why Should I Recycle Pop Tab?

Soda and beverage pop tabs are mostly made of aluminum, but some are not aluminum either. Most of them are recycled, but some aren’t. More than 75% of all the aluminum that was ever produced in the United States is still being used today.

You should recycle as much as possible because it helps save the environment. Selling your soda cans and their tab will help reduce pollution. Recycling aluminum is also an important part of saving the environment. Learn how to make money from recycling here.

Simple Ways To Sell Pop Can Tabs For Money

You can sell your pop tab collection to an aluminum recycler for about $1 per can. This means that you can earn up to $10 per day if you collect enough cans. However, you’ll need to spend time collecting cans, and you might not even be able to do this every day.

Here’s what you need to know to sell pop cans for money. First, you should store your pop tab collection in a cool dry place. Second, you should sort them by brand name. Third, you should be careful when selling them because some people might try to steal them. Finally, you should get pop tabs from places like grocery stores or convenience stores.

How To Properly Store Your Pop Tabs

You should take a needle-nose plier to each pop can tab and remove the curly part in the center that can get stuck on other pop can tabs, because doing so makes them easier to open.

Crafters can buy them ready-to-go and don’t need to remove the curly parts themselves. You’ll be able to get a ton more tabs in your storage containers as the curly things take up massive amounts of wasted space. Pop cans with bent tabs aren’t worth much.

Bent tabs or dirty looking tabs aren’t useful to crafters and other shoppers. You should store them in bags or boxes instead of bottles.You should make sure your product is shipped in smaller packages because people won’t be willing to spend the time getting the contents out of larger packaging.

Zipper type baggies are used to keep tabs organized. Storing them in the right size bag keeps them safe when shipped. Keeping a steady count helps ensure there are enough tabs for customers to buy.

Sort By Size

Size matters when organizing your pop cans. You should group regular size cans together and put larger ones next to each other. You could also try putting the large cans into a different section of your store.

Just be sure to price accordingly by comparing other sellers’ prices on the giant tabs.

Why Recycle Aluminium?

Aluminum recycles easily, and is worth a lot of money. Aluminium is an inexpensive metal, but it is very valuable. Recycling aluminium reduces pollution, and saves energy.

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